• Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance
  • Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance
  • Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance
  • Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance
  • Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance
  • Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance
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Apollo neuro - Touch therapy band for stress, sleep and performance

230 €
Šifra oglasa: 43450711

Osnovne informacije

Grad Zagreb, Novi Zagreb - Istok, Sloboština

Opis oglasa

Gadget je korišten mjesec dana i kao nov.
Komplet sadrži Apollo uredjaj, dvije narukvice (za ruku i gležanj) kabel za punjenje, upute i kutiju.
Uredjaj je svjetlo sive boje.

The Apollo® wearable improves your body’s resilience to stress, so you can relax, sleep, focus, recover, and feel better. Rather than tracking your health, the Apollo wearable is proven to actively improve it.

MORE SLEEP, LESS STRESS: Developed by a team of neuroscientists and physicians, the Apollo device helps strengthen and rebalance your nervous system improving your resilience to stress, sleep, and overall health.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED: For women, men, and children, Apollo provides on-the-go stress relief and better sleep. Apollo can be worn in different ways – it comes with a Band (to wear on your ankle or wrist as a bracelet), charging cable, and access to the Apollo Neuro app.

TAKE CONTROL OF HOW YOU FEEL: Choose from seven different Apollo Vibes in the Apollo app — Unwind, Fall Asleep, Calm, Focus, Recover, Energy, Social — to change your state and improve how you feel. Like a wearable chill pill.

OPTIMIZE YOUR FITNESS: Apollo improves heart rate variability (HRV) and facilitates faster physical recovery.

EASY TO USE: The more you use Apollo, the better it works. Studies show that wearing the Apollo wearable for three hours a day, five days a week, during the day and night, will give you more sleep each night, build your resilience to stress and improve cardiovascular metrics.



Svi oglasi ovog oglašivača
Korisnik je verificirao broj telefona u državi: Hrvatska
Korisnik nije trgovac te na njega nisu primjenjive EU odredbe o zaštiti potrošača
  • Adresa:  Grad Zagreb, Hrvatska
Oglas objavljen
02.06.2024. u 11:20
Do isteka još
Oglas prikazan
63 puta


Svi oglasi ovog oglašivača
Korisnik je verificirao broj telefona u državi: Hrvatska
Korisnik nije trgovac te na njega nisu primjenjive EU odredbe o zaštiti potrošača
  • Adresa:  Grad Zagreb, Hrvatska