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  • THE EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES - Stephen S. Morse (eng. jezik)
  • THE EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES - Stephen S. Morse (eng. jezik)
  • THE EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES - Stephen S. Morse (eng. jezik)
  • THE EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES - Stephen S. Morse (eng. jezik)
  • THE EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES - Stephen S. Morse (eng. jezik)
  • THE EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES - Stephen S. Morse (eng. jezik)


10 €
Šifra oglasa: 28542604

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Brodsko-posavska, Slavonski Brod, Mali Pariz

Opis oglasa

Page 353
Year 1994.
Format 24x16cm

Tvrdi uvez
Stranica 353
Godina 1994.
Format 24x16cm

This volume provides researchers with a coherent theoretical framework for understanding the evolutionary biology of viruses--a subject of crucial importance to scientists investigating emerging viruses, viral transmission, and geographic variations in viral epidemics. The book defines key concepts concerning the origins and relatedness of viruses, the processes producing genetic variation among viruses, and the role of virus-host interactions and natural selection in governing viral evolution. Special emphasis is on the relationship between genetic variation and natural selection and on the evolutionary constraints imposed by the interaction of the virus with its host.

About Stephen S. Morse
Stephen S. Morse, Ph.D., is Professor of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, Director of PREDICT (a project to strengthen global capacity for identification, surveillance, and risk assessment of zoonotic pathogens of human pandemic disease potential) of USAID's Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program, and Visiting Professor at the University of California, Davis.

His first book, "Emerging Viruses" (Oxford University Press) was selected by American Scientist magazine for its list of the "100 Top Science Books of the 20th Century".

Earlier, he was founding director of the Columbia University Center for Public Health Preparedness. In 1996-2000 (on loan from Columbia), he was Program Manager for Biodefense at DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Before coming to Columbia, he was assistant professor of virology at The Rockefeller University in New York, where he remains an adjunct faculty member. He was Chair of the 1989 NIAID-NIH Conference on Emerging Viruses, for which he originated the term and concept of emerging viruses/infections. He was a member of the "Committee on Emerging Microbial Threats to Health" at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies of Sciences, chaired its Task Force on Viruses, and was an author of the resulting report "Emerging Infections" (1992). He was the founding chair of ProMED (the nonprofit international Program to Monitor Emerging Diseases), and an originator of ProMED-mail, an international network inaugurated by ProMED in 1994 for outbreak reporting and disease monitoring using the Internet. He was a founding Section Editor of the CDC journal "Emerging Infectious Diseases", and is currently a member of the IOM Forum on Microbial Threats (formerly the Forum on Emerging Infections). He is a Fellow of the AAAS, the New York Academy of Sciences (and a past chair of its Microbiology section), the American Academy of Microbiology, the American College of Epidemiology, and an elected life member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. Morse received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He and his wife live in New York City.

Ovaj svezak pruža istraživačima koherentan teorijski okvir za razumijevanje evolucijske biologije virusa - tema od presudne važnosti za znanstvenike koji istražuju viruse u nastajanju, prijenos virusa i geografske varijacije u virusnim epidemijama. Knjiga definira ključne pojmove o podrijetlu i srodnosti virusa, procesima koji stvaraju genetske varijacije među virusima i ulozi interakcija virusa i domaćina i prirodne selekcije u upravljanju evolucijom virusa. Poseban naglasak je na odnosu između genetske varijacije i prirodne selekcije te na evolucijskim ograničenjima koja nameće interakcija virusa sa svojim domaćinom.

O Stephenu S. Morseu
Dr. Stephen S. Morse je profesor epidemiologije na Mailman School of Public Health Sveučilišta Columbia, direktor PREDICT-a (projekt za jačanje globalnog kapaciteta za identifikaciju, nadzor i procjenu rizika zoonotskih patogena od pandemijske bolesti kod ljudi programa USAID-ovog programa za pojavu pandemije (EPT) i gostujući profesor na Kalifornijskom sveučilištu u Davisu.

Njegovu prvu knjigu "Emerging Viruses" (Oxford University Press), američki časopis Scientist odabrao je za popis "100 najboljih znanstvenih knjiga 20. stoljeća".

Ranije je bio osnivački direktor Sveučilišnog centra za pripravnost u javnom zdravstvu Columbia. 1996.-2000. (Na posudbi iz Kolumbije) bio je voditelj programa za biorazgradnju u DARPA-i (Agencija za napredne istraživačke projekte obrane). Prije dolaska na Columbia bio je asistent na virologiji na Sveučilištu Rockefeller u New Yorku, gdje i dalje ostaje članom fakulteta. Bio je predsjednik NIAID-NIH konferencije o virusima u nastajanju 1989. godine, za što je stvorio pojam i koncept novih virusa / infekcija. Bio je član "Odbora za nove mikrobne prijetnje zdravlju" na Institutu za medicinu (IOM) Nacionalnih akademija znanosti, predsjedao je Radnom skupinom za viruse i bio autor izvješća "Emerging Infections" ( 1992). Bio je osnivač ProMED-a (neprofitnog međunarodnog programa za praćenje novonastalih bolesti) i pokretač ProMED-a, međunarodne mreže koju je ProMED pokrenuo 1994. za izvještavanje o izbijanju bolesti i praćenje bolesti putem Interneta. Bio je urednik sekcije CDC časopisa "Emerging Infectious Diseases" i trenutno je član IOM foruma o mikrobnim prijetnjama (bivši Forum o novim infekcijama). Član je AAAS-a, Akademije znanosti u New Yorku (i bivši predsjednik odjela za mikrobiologiju), Američke akademije za mikrobiologiju, Američkog koledža za epidemiologiju i izabranog člana Vijeća za vanjske odnose. Dr. Morse je doktorirala. sa Sveučilišta Wisconsin, Madison. On i njegova žena žive u New Yorku.


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