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  • League of Legends Account jeftino!

League of Legends Account jeftino!

23,89 €
Šifra oglasa: 15564013

Osnovne informacije


Opis oglasa

Account name : CroBoy01
Info :
Lvl 30 Divizija broze 3 (46 lp-a)
Skinovi : Dragonwing corki, Black Belt udyr, Thunder Lord Volibear, Barbarian Sion, Riot Girl Tristana, Dreadknight Garen te Unchained Alistar.
Rune full ad,ap
Nikad Banan !
Championi ukupno 52 To su sljedeci
Akali, Fizz, Katarina, LeBlanc, Evelynn, Master Yi, Nidalle, Shaco, Annie, Fidelsticks, Morgana, Corki, Heimerdinger, Karthus, Xerat, Veigar, Twisted fate, Ryze, Alistar, Ammumu, Malphite, Ramus, Sion, Blitzcrank, Janna, Nunu, Taric, Zilean, Soraka, Ashe, Draven, Miss fortune, Sivir, Teemo, Tristana, Darius, Dr mundo, Gankplank, Jax, Garen, Kyle, Lee Sin, Nasus, Popy, Riven, Trydamere, Warwick, Xin zhao, Mordekasier, Shyvana, Udyr, Volibear.
Oglas objavljen
30.05.2015. u 18:29
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